Traceurs and Traceuses are the people who who practice Parkor. The female who practice it are called Traceueses whereas the male are Traceurs. In some cases some moves might be more difficult for one gender than for the other, but that is both ways round. Below you can find four short and inspiering clips from Tracueses and Traceurs. On the sub pages are some of the more active Traceurs and Traceuses training in Wageningen.
Traceuse Daria Lanskova with Lightness
Traceuse Katie McDonnell in her Showreel from 2015
Traceur David Belle
Traceur Daniel Ilabaca in Parkour Soul
Feel free to send a message to a traceur/traceuse by using the "contact" page in the navigationbar. It will be directly forwarded to the appropriate person.
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Last 3 updates
The section with (commune sense) "Rules"
has been added as well as a page about the development of a "parkour park and rain shelter" in Wageningen.