h1 style="text-align: center;">Parkour Workshop during Kids Actief Kamp
We will give two Parkour workshop on the 14th of July as part of the Kids Actief Kamp. This is a 3 days sport event for kids between 7 and 12 years at the Bongerd. More information about the Kamp can be found on www.kidsactiefkamp.nl The first workshop is from 15.00 until 16.00 and the second one from 16.00 until 17.00. During this workshops the kids will be introduced into the creatife wworld of parkour and learn some basic vaults.
(Made by the Kids Actief Kamp)
Even more fotos from the workshop can be found on Facebook. All pictures from the Kids Actief Kamp can be found on their website.
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The section with (commune sense) "Rules"
has been added as well as a page about the development of a "parkour park and rain shelter" in Wageningen.