As the name says, free training are free of charge. In the case of a gratis free form training (gratis vrije training) it is also up to you what you train. The trainings start with a warming up and are finished together with a cooling down. During this sessions all partitioner's are expected to help each other. This sessions might contain challenges and allow a high level of creativity. They do require self discipline so. Next to that it's required that you already know the basics and are able to train for yourself. This trainings are basically (regular) training meet-ups of traceurs and traceuses. As this are meet-ups, participation is completely at own risk.
There are two regular free form trainings in Wageningen which are on Thursday and Sunday. If you are under 16 years old and want to join a free form training, let it know in advance so that it can be taken into account by the choice of the training spot. In addition there is a free strength and conditioning session every Sunday evening at Aaras. During this session the weekend will be finished off by challenging the remaining muscles. Furthermore there are short training-sessions of 15 - 30 minutes during the week at lunchtime. They are meant to loosen the muscles and get some fresh air during the brake.
Thursday 19.30 - 20.30 12+ free form training
Sunday 11.30 - 13.30 12+ free form training
16.15 - 17.30 all strength and conditioning session
Every working day 12.30 - 13.00 14+ lunch training
In addition to the regular trainings traceurs and traceuses arrange meet-ups in the Facebook-group which will be made public in the calendar. For free trainings with an introduction keep an eye on the Facebook page. If you have any questions, you are welcome to send a mail to WageningenParkour[at]
Usually on Sundays at 13.00 there is a free form training in Arnhem. For more information check the Facebook group from Arnhem.
A clip from the Arnhem group:
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The section with (commune sense) "Rules"
has been added as well as a page about the development of a "parkour park and rain shelter" in Wageningen.